
Chris Snow Obituary And Death Cause

Chris Snow Obituary and Death Cause


Chris Snow, a prominent figure in the sports industry, left a mark in the world of hockey and sports journalism. His sudden demise caused a significant void in the sports world, but he left a legacy that will resonate for years to come. His death was linked to ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. This article delves into Chris Snow’s life, his contributions to the sports world, and the cause of his death.

Life and Career

Chris Snow was a prominent figure in the sports journalism industry with a career spanning many years. He worked as a sports writer for the Boston Globe before transitioning to a hockey analytics role with the Calgary Flames. His analytical approach and knowledge of the sport led to significant advancements within the Calgary Flames’ franchise, and his contributions were widely recognized.

Diagnosis and Battle with ALS

In 2019, Snow revealed that he had been diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). ALS is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord. Despite the diagnosis, Snow continued to work and contribute to the Flames organization. His determination and strength while battling the disease were an inspiration to many.

Death and Impact

Chris Snow’s death was a significant loss to the sports world. His death was linked to ALS, the disease he battled courageously. His passing brought a renewed focus on the devastating disease, bringing ALS to the forefront of conversations in the sports world and beyond. His legacy continues to inspire those within the industry and the countless individuals affected by ALS.

Frequently Asked Questions

What was the cause of Chris Snow’s death?

Chris Snow’s death was linked to ALS, a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord.

What was Chris Snow’s role with the Calgary Flames?

Chris Snow worked as an analyst for the Calgary Flames, bringing a data-driven approach to the team’s strategies.

When was Chris Snow diagnosed with ALS?

Chris Snow was diagnosed with ALS in 2019.


In conclusion, Chris Snow made significant contributions to the sports industry. His battle with ALS and his continued work during his illness demonstrated his strength and determination. His death brought attention to ALS, a disease that continues to affect many individuals worldwide. Despite his untimely passing, Snow’s legacy continues to inspire and will not be forgotten.

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